What to Expect
Many people are intimidated to go in for their first chemical peel. The fear of leaving with a bright red face that hurts prevents some from experiencing the many benefits of a peel. The post-peel reality is a glowing, healthy complexion. Here’s everything you need to know before your first chemical peel.
Think of peeling as exfoliation. When your skin peels or flakes after treatment, it’s because your skin is shedding dead or damaged surface cells and revealing new, healthy skin cells on the surface. The new, fresh skin is free of signs of aging, sun damage, dirt, and debris — just glowing skin.
Guess what? You might not even experience visible peeling. And that doesn’t mean your treatment was ineffective. We are all unique and so is our skin. Depending on skin type, resilience, type of peel, and the number of layers applied, the level of peeling you experience will be unique to you.
Types of peeling include “sheeting” (when large portions of the skin peel off at once), “flaking” (when small pieces of skin peel off, like after a sunburn), and invisible peeling (when the exfoliation happens on a cellular level that can’t be seen by the naked eye).
Today, peels can be worked into a busy lifestyle easily because, depending on the peel, there is little to no downtime. A lighter peel enables you to leave Bellora Medical Aesthetics with a healthy glow in no time and free to carry on with your regular activities. On the other hand, a stronger peel could last up to 14 days. Let your Bellora esthetician know your goals and expectations during the consultation to determine which peel is right for you.